Love, Joy, Peace...
Worship the Father in Spirit & Truth

Announcements (Updated 10.20.24 ) 

Mark Your Calendar!

  • Prayer Workshop- (November TBA)
  • Women’s Group Therapy-(October 24th @ 7pm in-person)

List of activities by day

◦ Monday- Prayer Team (5AM-6AM)

◦ Tuesday- Reading Call @ 7 PM (TBA)

◦ Wednesday-Corporate Prayer Call (5 AM-6 AM) 

° Wednesday- Corporate Fast Day   

Thursday- Bible Study & Prayer (7 PM-9 PM)

* Thursday- Last Thursday of every month Q&A Bible Study (Bring your questions from series and lessons)

2nd & 4th Saturdays- Fellowship, Prayer, Worship Practice, & Evangelism (TBA) 

◦ *Sunday Worship Service @ 1:45PM  

(*Every last Sunday at the end of the month we will have our New Member Fellowship Celebration after the end of our Sunday Worship service)


◦ Pour into your spiritual life: (reading, studying, and meditating on the word, etc.…)

◦ Operation Ministry of Reconciliation 

◦ Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ, nation, Divine Generations Church, and churches all       across the nation the Father has planted 

◦ Take your spiritual life seriously

Love the Father with All your Heart, all your Mind, and all your Soul.
Mark your calendar!